Introducing our Advocates Network
Across the Diocese of York there is a growing network of Mustard Seed Advocates, churches and individuals who have a passion to support mission in ‘places where life is tough.’ People in more affluent areas are recognising that they have a responsibility towards ‘their neighbours’ and are therefore called to respond, using the resources, gifts and skills that God has given them.
Advocates are building gospel partnerships with Mustard Seed churches and their communities.
The apostle Paul describes a wonderful gospel partnership in Philippians 4:14-20 where he thanks the Philippians for their gifts of support and adds that he does not simply want to receive gifts, he wants the church in Philippi to receive back more than they have given. This model of partnership, giving and receiving is based on mutuality and a recognition that there is much that we can learn and receive from churches in our low-income communities.
Here are three stories of partnerships with Mustard Seed Churches. We hope they will inspire others to become gospel partners and join our Advocates Network.
Surprised by Joy
This is a story about a growing partnership between people from Christ Church Great Ayton, the churches of St Chad’s and St Oswald’s, and the Genesis community project, a charity that was set up by Revd Kath Dean several years ago.
An Advocate’s Story
Peter Philips from St Chad’s in York talks about his role as advocate with the Church of the Ascension, Berwick Hills, Middlesbrough. “You’ll probably get as much if not more, from doing it, I certainly have.”
Partners in the Gospel
York Minster has formed a partnership in the gospel with St Philip’s on Bilton Grange in East Hull. A group from York Minster recently visited St Philip’s to see how this small church on the edge of Hull is sharing the Good News of God’s love in the local community.
If you want to find out more about how your church can partner with a Mustard Seed church and join our advocates network click on the buttons below.