News Stories
Sharing Good News Across Our Mustard Seed Churches
A group of church leaders, including two Mustard Seed Community Ministers from Emmanuel Church, Bridlington made a special visit to Hull Minster. They were there to meet with Ann Wilkinson, a Mustard Seed Community Minister, who is an advocate for people with different learning abilities.
Yorkie Dorkie Porkies Enjoy Catalyst!
In September 2024, four Mustard Seed Community Ministers joined the Catalyst programme, a national training course for people who work with children and young people in the local church.
Community Mission is Flourishing in Bempton
Maureen is a Community Minister at St Michael’s Bempton, where she has worked with others to develop a Food Pantry and Warm Space.
"Write The Next Chapter..."
The Mustard Seed programme enjoyed a wonderful day at Bishopthorpe Palace, our fourth annual gathering, for everyone during their Stepping Up year.
Sharing the Harvest
In this season of harvest festivals, we are celebrating the growing number of community gardens in Mustard Seed churches, providing fresh fruit and vegetables for church food pantries/community stores and community meals.
Surprised by Joy
This is a story about a growing partnership between people from Christ Church Great Ayton, the churches of St Chad’s and St Oswald’s, and the Genesis community project, a charity that was set up by Revd Kath Dean several years ago.
Kev's Adventures in Kenya
Kev was part of the very first Stepping Up group in Bridlington and now he has been on another journey to Kenya with Revd Richard Hare from his church Emmanuel Church, Bridlington, and a group of volunteers from across the UK.
York's 'Mustard Seed' features in national Church's 2023 strategic investment report
The latest report on the Church of England’s strategic investment shows how funding in the last year has prioritised doubling the numbers of children and young people, and revitalising parishes for mission.
Partners in the Gospel
York Minster has formed a partnership in the gospel with St Philip’s on Bilton Grange in East Hull. A group from York Minster recently visited St Philip’s to see how this small church on the edge of Hull is sharing the Good News of God’s love in the local community.
Walking in the Footsteps of St. Hilda and Caedmon
Bishop Eleanor invited us to join her on a pilgrimage with people who had travelled from New Zealand to discover the ancient roots of Christianity across the British Isles.
Sowing, Growing, Nesting
People who have completed Stepping Up across the diocese gathered at Wydale Hall. Read all about our Mustard Seed Community Day 2024!
A Day of Prayerful Listening
A day spent with some clergy and lay deans from the five deaneries where Mustard Seed are working. Time set aside to listen to God and to one another. The Mustard Seed programme grew from prayerful listening, and so halfway through the life of the programme we wanted to step back and listen prayerfully again.
Living Christ's Story in a Mustard Seed Way
The Mustard Seed programme enjoyed a wonderful day at Bishopthorpe Palace, our third annual gathering, for everyone during their Stepping Up year.
An International Mustard Seed Gathering
Bishop Justin and Jenni from New Zealand joined our Mustard Seed gathering.
A Living Parable
Almost 70 people gathered at Wydale Hall. Read all about our Mustard Seed Community Day 2023!
Introducing Paul, our new Associate Programme Lead!
Hear about Paul O’Neill, the newest member of the Mustard Seed Team!
Growing Leaders on Urban Estates
Hear from Heather Black as the Church of England and Church Army launch the report, Growing Leaders on Urban Estates.
Big Bible Storybook Resource
Carolyn Edwards, Diocesan Advisor for Children and Young People, has developed a resource for mission with young families.
Living Christ's Story in a Mustard Seed way
A day at Bishopthorpe Palace for those taking part in Stepping Up communities across the Diocese hosted by the Archbishop of York
An ecumenical youth club in Redcar
The Mustard Seed Team spoke with Sue Garner and Abi Hedges about the new youth club in Redcar.
A newly employed Community Minister
We caught up with newly commissioned & employed Community Minister Cerrie and her vicar, Rev Sam Taylor.
Shining Lights on Bilton Grange
Read how Enid & Yvonne from St Michael’s Church, Cherry Burton were inspired to support Little Lights on Bilton Grange.
Vicar's Voice | Bridget's Blog
Hear from Bridget Woodall, Vicar at Holy Trinity, North Ormesby, as she tells of the impact Stepping Up has had on the mission and ministry of the church.
Mustard Seed Advocate for Middlesbrough
Peter, a new Advocate for Mustard Seed shares about his recent day visit to Middlesbrough to see and hear from Mustard Seed Parishes.
Vicar's Voice | Richard's Reflections
Richard Hare, Vicar of Emmanuel Church, Bridlington shares his reflections on how Stepping Up has benefited members of his congregation.
Ready to Step Up
As 2022 begins, so does new opportunities to step up, so do two new Stepping Up learning communities in Bridlington and Middlesbrough.
Stepping Up into Mission
We are celebrating with the nine people from Hull and Middlesbrough who have completed their year with Stepping Up. Have a read!
Living Christ’s Story in a Mustard Seed way
A day out to Bishopthorpe Palace, hosted by the Archbishop of York, for all those taking part in Stepping Up communities across the Diocese of York.