Growing disciples in places where life is tough
In the Diocese of York, life can be tough for people living in areas with ‘multiple deprivations’ in Hull, Middlesbrough and our coastal communities, as well as smaller areas scattered across the Diocese. In these communities, people face many challenges trying to do the best for themselves and their families, whilst struggling to make ends meet.
We are Living Christ’s story when the church is present in local communities, walking alongside people in the ups and downs of life. Providing places of welcome and support, sharing God’s love, creating opportunities to discover faith and growing disciples of Jesus.
Paul from Stepping Up Scarborough working in the community garden
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
What is the Kingdom of God like? The parable of the mustard seed inspires us that even from very small beginnings, something amazing can grow!
"It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.”
Mark 4:31-32 NRSV
The Mustard Seed Programme is growing in three ways:
Stepping Up
Learning communities based in Middlesbrough, Hull and coastal communities, where lay people can grow as disciples of Jesus and in confidence for mission in their local community.
Churches Growing
Worshipping communities developed as places of hospitality and support for local people in the challenges they face. Offering opportunities for prayer, experiencing the love of God, exploring faith, and encountering Jesus.
People from across the Diocese who have a passion to support mission in our poorest communities. Advocates will be catalysts, growing generosity of prayer, support, and financial giving.