Community Mission is Flourishing in Bempton

Maureen is a Community Minister at St Michael’s Bempton, where she has worked with others to develop a Food Pantry and Warm Space. The Warm Space has been particularly valued during winter months and continues as Coffee and Cake,  through the warmer weeks of the year. The numbers of people coming along to these community activities has grown significantly, with people of all ages enjoying time together in a warm and supportive community. The PCC has recognised the need for this ministry and how it is flourishing, and have recently funded a new cooker and fridge.

Maureen has set up two prayer stations – one in the church hall where Warm Space happens, and the other in the church, where people can collect food bags from the Pantry. It has been encouraging that people are engaging with both of these, picking up prayer and scripture cards, and also leaving notes with prayer requests, which are gathered up and included in the Sunday prayers. Maureen is always on hand, to welcome people to the open church, offering them somewhere to sit in the quiet and pray, or sitting with them if they want company. Her ministry is a valued part of the life of St Michael’s. Feedback from members of the community have included “It’s an enormous help” and “Maureen was there for me when I was in need. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

To read more about Maureen’s story click here.