Kirkleatham Parish, Redcar

Jill who is part of St Hilda’s Church in Kirkleatham Parish, Redcar completed Stepping Up in April 2022 and was commissioned as a Community Minister in May 2022. Jill’s vision is to offer a welcoming place for those who grieve in any way, whether that is people who are bereaved, grieving for someone on end of life care or those missing someone admitted into care. All are welcome!
Teardrops began in June 2022 with a team from St Hilda’s, Jill (second from left in the picture above), with the offer of a chance to chat, ears to listen, a cuppa and cake and an opportunity to pray or be prayed for if anyone wishes. Across various tables prayer cards, booklets discussing grieving and candles to light to help those who wish to sit quietly for a time. The hope is that people with similar circumstances can find common ground in conversation through circumstances and in turn find help from the conversations.
The hope is that once the pop in is established, that it can be expanded to offer a Bereavement Course in the future to those that attend Teardrops and the wider community, something Jill herself has been on and found extremely helpful.

Alongside Teardrops, Jill in her role as Community Minister (photos from the Commissioning Service above) is now able to administer Communion to those in the community who are unable to join the church on a Sunday. Whether in a care home or people’s homes, Jill is excited to be able to serve the whole church in this capacity.
Through Teardrops, the church is building community, providing a welcoming space where everyone is welcome and the journey of grief and bereavement are shared. St Hilda’s is providing hope and welcome in a community where life is tough, an inspiring example of local people using the resources they have to share God’s love.
Jill adds that ‘I’m sure most of this would not have happened if I had not begun my Mustard Seed journey on Stepping Up. The guidance and encouragement during the journey has given me the confidence and courage to trust more deeply in God and helped me to discover the path that I believe God wants me to walk.’
To find out more about Teardrops and Kirkleatham Parish, click here.
To watch a short film about Jill and Teardrops, click here