Walking in the Footsteps of

St. Hilda and Caedmon

Bishop Eleanor invited us to join her on a pilgrimage with people who had travelled from New Zealand to discover the ancient roots of Christianity across the British Isles.

Heather, Mustard Seed programme leader, with Barbara and Lee-Anne Community Ministers from Middlesbrough joined Bishop Eleanor as we spent three days discovering the roots of Christianity in the Northeast, exploring the stories of saints and their missionary endeavours. 

On day three we had the joy of welcoming the pilgrims to our land of the Diocese of York, in Whitby. We used the traditional New Zealand way of welcome with speeches and singing, a truly wonderful experience. During our time in Whitby, we shared stories of St Hilda, including the story of Caedmon a herdsman, with a low self-image, who became a key evangelist to local people through his songs. Hilda saw great potential in Caedmon even though his humble work and inability to sing would have led others to dismiss him immediately. She recognised his God-given talent and provided him with a place in which that talent could flourish. 

This story of Hilda and Caedmon offers a deep connection between two figures from the past and what is happening today through Mustard Seed. Just as Hilda spotted the potential in Caedmon, today we are spotting potential within people on the edge of York Diocese, who can share the Good News of Jesus in a way that makes sense to local people. 

Hilda did not expect Caedmon to conform to the traditional patterns of learning and formation within the monastery. She gave him the best of her brothers to instruct and guide him so that he could flourish and grow to his full potential. This is what we have attempted to do with the Stepping Up programme, to provide a place of nurture and formation, that does not demand lots of reading and writing essays. We provide learning communities that are warm, safe spaces that nurture growth, where we journey together in the presence of Jesus, and grow in confidence and skills for mission. 

Caedmon was encouraged to be the person God had called him to be, and he was part of setting the North of England on fire with the gospel. Today we are discovering modern day Caedmon’s whom God is calling to simply be who they are, and to share the love of God in a language that the people in their local communities can understand.

Some reflections: 

“The whole experience was far beyond any idea of how thought provoking, enriching and undoubtedly the most embracing of God’s love I have ever experienced. By being given the opportunity to journey with so many people to talk, listen, walk, sing and to pray with people from other parts of the world who genuinely loved us. To sum the whole experience the best way I can describe it was there was definitely a time lapse because how everything we, a huge group managed to fit so much into just a few precious days will always remain an incredible God given mystery.” Barbara 

“When I got invited I just said yes without even thinking about what I was doing. All I knew was I would tell my story of Stepping up and what I was doing in my community. What actually happened was I became part of the New Zealand pilgrims family, not an outsider. We laughed, shared stories, I saw the beauty of Holy Island and Whitby and like Caedmon I have my own song to sing of God's love for me and my community.” Lee-Anne       

You can read more about the story of Caedmon here